***I started writing this in June. I didn’t publish it (or anything) as I wasn’t sure that it would be received well or perhaps that emotions were just too high. Praying, thinking, and deciding to resume my blog, I read over it for the first time in...
Whenever I change the church sign I always have to pass the Rachel test. She is always worried that I might be offending someone. My kids are just about on the opposite side of things wanting me to push the envelope a little. The idea behind this sign was just a...
It’s been 5 years (and one week) since Trey passed away. What do you do with that? Well, I’m making a list. Overall, we’re good. All things considered…very good.Joe and Bella used to say that they have lived two lives, one with Trey and one...
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a list. It cracks me up how many people love these lists. So, here you go! The amount of food in my fridge on Monday’s compared to Friday is hilarious.I cook a lot on weekends.I’m in a burger slump. Salt,...
I wrote an article about Trey’s love for Kennywood 4 years ago. That article is here. It was viewed 22 thousand times on Facebook and countless times overall. Simply put, it was my heart for my son and appreciation for a place like Kennywood written down for all...
I love to love people. Full disclosure, I don’t necessarily like all people (there is no command in the bible for that) but I will love any and everyone that I can. The bible is pretty clear on our duty to love. I teach that everyone has two ministries. The...