This is the Worst

This is the Worst

A young teenage girl (NOT BELLA) went to the mall with her parents.  She was going to meet her friends.  Tragedy struck as her friends were late.  She was waiting out there in full view of all that were at the mall, right next to her parents.  She kept staring into...
What Have You Lost?

What Have You Lost?

I was in Austin Texas learning all about emotional needs and emotionally focused therapy.  You can’t do that without looking inward.  I was told that my self-condemnation was “alarming” (thank you very much, I’m quite remarkable)....


The tornado touched down on the suburban Pittsburgh neighborhood, the high school and houses were damaged.  “As long as the kids are ok…” one woman said on the news.  Ok, finish that sentence mam.  What if the kids are not ok?  What if everyone did...
Stop That…but you can’t.

Stop That…but you can’t.

We certainly have said to our children, “Why did you do that?!?!”  What was their response, “I…I just don’t know.”  In reality, they mostly don’t.  “Don’t you know better?” we ask.  “What’s the...
Terrible Parent…Terrible Pastor

Terrible Parent…Terrible Pastor

No, no, no, no, don’t worry.  I’m not about to confess anything nor do I have anything to confess.  That would be much more cut and dry than what is on my heart today.  What I am dealing with is much more subtle and slippery.  It’s something that...
What About Bella?

What About Bella?

I know that our beloved Sassy Princess has more than a few of you in her corner fervently praying for her and rooting her on.  I wanted to devote a post to her and maybe (shhhh) teach a thing or two along the way today. For those of you who don’t know her, she...