What Death Does

What Death Does

Kobe Bryant died yesterday. Gigi Bryant yesterday. Three members of the same family died yesterday. A pilot died yesterday. A serviceman died yesterday. A policeman died yesterday. A doctor died yesterday. A teacher died yesterday. A priest died yesterday. A homeless...
5 Years Since Trey…A List

5 Years Since Trey…A List

It’s been 5 years (and one week) since Trey passed away. What do you do with that? Well, I’m making a list. Overall, we’re good. All things considered…very good.Joe and Bella used to say that they have lived two lives, one with Trey and one...


We were at the 8th annual UnWined event to benefit Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology division. I jokingly call it our annual opportunity to buy fancy clothes and be reminded that we lost a child to cancer. Truth be told it is our annual honor to represent...
What’s in a Memory?

What’s in a Memory?

I wrote an article about Trey’s love for Kennywood 4 years ago. That article is here. It was viewed 22 thousand times on Facebook and countless times overall. Simply put, it was my heart for my son and appreciation for a place like Kennywood written down for all...
This is the Worst

This is the Worst

A young teenage girl (NOT BELLA) went to the mall with her parents.  She was going to meet her friends.  Tragedy struck as her friends were late.  She was waiting out there in full view of all that were at the mall, right next to her parents.  She kept staring into...
We Need to Heal

We Need to Heal

It’s going to happen again.  It always does.  The horrifically tragic and senseless events this past weekend at the Tree of Life in Squirrel Hill are another example of evil rearing it’s ugly head.  This one hit home for those of us in Pittsburgh more than...