We Know Who We Are…

We Know Who We Are…

**Imbedded within this post is an important update as to how we are…read on.** Somebody asked Rachel recently, “So, what’s it like to be a Pastor’s wife?”  What a blessing that question turned out to be!  How was that a blessing? ...
Live Today…Work for Tomorrow

Live Today…Work for Tomorrow

The other day before church, someone came up to me and said, “I know that you have other things on your mind but please know that we are praying for you.”  and hugged me.  My inner monologue (that voice inside your head…no, not THAT one, the other...
How to Love…Me (you)

How to Love…Me (you)

No no no no, not how to love me me (Jay Mitlo), but how to love me (you) whoever you are.  Now that that is clear allow me to explain.  A couple of you out there wish you were loved (actively) by your loved ones more.  By “a couple” I mean roughly 2/3rds...
It’s the One Thing…

It’s the One Thing…

Long before “Son of God”, before even “The Passion of the Christ”, there was a great movie with a very deep philosophical theme included.  Yes, you knew it, “City Slickers.”  In it, Curly was a gritty tough and scary old cowboy...
It’s Not About You…

It’s Not About You…

I’m torn.  On the one hand, I am amazed and extremely passionate about how much God loves us.  I’m super saddened by how people miss this.  It is His Love for us that is so readily available on a macro level, “for God so loved the world…”...
Anxious…and Leaking.

Anxious…and Leaking.

Ok, I’ll admit it.  I am dealing with some anxiety.  No, I haven’t gone to the hospital  with an anxiety attack nor do I think I’ve had one.  In fact, the thought of having an anxiety attack gives me more anxiety than most other things.  That’s...