Give Us a Shot

Give Us a Shot

Whenever I change the church sign I always have to pass the Rachel test. She is always worried that I might be offending someone. My kids are just about on the opposite side of things wanting me to push the envelope a little. The idea behind this sign was just a...
Not a Hair Singed

Not a Hair Singed

So in my post The Furnace I mentioned the story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego and being thrown into the furnace.  I talked about how we were in the hottest moments of our fire.  I was wrong.  Days after, Trey had gone on to be with Jesus forever and we were...
A Quick Vision

A Quick Vision

I had a post idea locked and loaded for this morning and it went out the window in a blink of an eye yesterday morning.  Well, not the blink of an eye but rather a quick vision from God.  Yeah, I’ve become THAT guy.  I guess you get that when you go through what...
It’s Been Three Years to the Day…

It’s Been Three Years to the Day…

that Trey was diagnosed with cancer.  I’ve learned quite a few things in that time period.  If  you’d like me to expand on any of them, just ask.  Please make sure to check out the links as well. 1.  I very well may lose my son. 2.  I haven’t yet....
How Alive is Your Lord?

How Alive is Your Lord?

Strange question perhaps.  However, as I continue to…well continue with my life as father of a diagnosed terminally ill child (for those of you just joining us I add “diagnosed” because God CAN heal Trey at any time, though He very well may not) I go...
A Prism Applied

A Prism Applied

In my last post I described how a trial and perhaps a tragedy is a prism…not a prison.  Further, I pointed out that God uses the tough time to magnify His power, greatness, and love for us.  It’s true that if you just focus on yourself and your obstacles...