It Started Long Ago

It Started Long Ago

In my community we just got terrible financial news about the district.  Our town and the alumni from our school are in an uproar over the audit report that said the district in over 150 million dollars in debt.  The report lists several not only negligent but...
From the Outside

From the Outside

I got in the car of my sisters boyfriend.  He asked me how things were going with my girlfriend (yes, this was many, many, years ago).  I told him that things weren’t good and that I needed to be a lot less selfish.  He asked me how I was being selfish and I...
Be Aware, Be VERY Aware

Be Aware, Be VERY Aware

No, I’m not making a Friday the 13th post.  I’m talking about what you are feeling.  I have described before where hurts go and how that affects our emotions.  I have even illustrated this before.  It is then important to know what to do with hurts.  Take...
That “Hurt My Feelings”

That “Hurt My Feelings”

Yeah, we’ve said it, we’ve had it said to us.  Sadly, for some THIS is a level of open, honest, and vulnerable communication that is the very best that they can muster.  However, it is not enough.  What is needed however is much more.  More specific...


Blech.  Yeah, I said it.  Blech!  No.  Not “Blech” to Aretha.  How dare I?  No, I feel “blech” when “Respect” comes to mind.  Not for what it means.  After all respect is: Valuing and regarding one another highly; treating one...


Not rocket science.  Not Chaos Theory mathematics.  Maybe not as simple as Attention.  Appreciation, nonetheless is a top emotional/relational need and thus is the subject of my post today. Appreciation is expressing thanks, praise or commendation.  Recognizing...