What Robs Your Joy?

What Robs Your Joy?

I have been to mountain top…for a bit.  I have dwelled in the valley…the darkest of valleys.  In both places I have found joy.  Being surrounded by loved ones as I watched my bride walk down the aisle for our blessed wedding day I could have exploded....
It’s Okay, We’re All In This Together…

It’s Okay, We’re All In This Together…

I am a man of many missions.  I have lots of different things that I focus on (I use the term “focus” loosely.  Where was I?  Oh yeah…).  I am responsible for organizations, teams, ministries, people, my family, the list goes on.  Some of them I am...
Grieving Then…Now.

Grieving Then…Now.

I’ve mentioned it before.  I’m just not so sure what we’re supposed to be grieving these days.  Oh, I feel the need…the need to grieve (sorry…had to #topgun).  I’ve written about how we are at peace with where Trey is and that he is...


So, you’re 160 feet below the surface of the earth with your spouse and two kids and there is only one way in and one way out.  You are in a cave.  Water is dripping and there are actually pools of it around you.  What do you feel?  Me?  Nothing.  Totally fine. ...
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Yes, today is Trey’s Birthday.  Over the past 4 years I must have said, “5/12/08” more than 1,000x (you have to do that in the hospital…a lot).  So, this is Trey’s first birthday since he passed away.  We have already received tons of...
Joe’s Pot Hole Repair Inc.

Joe’s Pot Hole Repair Inc.

The other day the sun poked out, the cold air was replaced by a very very fresh (and much needed and appreciated) burst of warm air.  The temperatures climbed and snow began to melt.  The forecast shows no mention of snow or sub 20 temperatures (even for lows!). ...