Ruth is a vivacious energetic hard working young lady. She works at her parents shop that has been with their family for the past 40 years. She’s in her third year of college majoring in engineering. Unfortunately, like so many others, her world got turned...
We have spent a lot of time around the Mitlo household cleaning, fixing, painting, renovating, since we’ve been told to stay at home. We even made our way up to the attic. We brought down ALL of the cardboard boxes and transferred what we wanted to keep (why we...
What and how I feel about what’s been going on is all over the place. In general though, I tell my kids that it’s more important to know what you DON’T KNOW than what you do know. I am sure that I don’t know… How bad this will be.How bad...
Whenever I change the church sign I always have to pass the Rachel test. She is always worried that I might be offending someone. My kids are just about on the opposite side of things wanting me to push the envelope a little. The idea behind this sign was just a...
It’s been 5 years (and one week) since Trey passed away. What do you do with that? Well, I’m making a list. Overall, we’re good. All things considered…very good.Joe and Bella used to say that they have lived two lives, one with Trey and one...
We were at the 8th annual UnWined event to benefit Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology division. I jokingly call it our annual opportunity to buy fancy clothes and be reminded that we lost a child to cancer. Truth be told it is our annual honor to represent...