

We have spent a lot of time around the Mitlo household cleaning, fixing, painting, renovating, since we’ve been told to stay at home. We even made our way up to the attic. We brought down ALL of the cardboard boxes and transferred what we wanted to keep (why we...
5 Years Since Trey…A List

5 Years Since Trey…A List

It’s been 5 years (and one week) since Trey passed away. What do you do with that? Well, I’m making a list. Overall, we’re good. All things considered…very good.Joe and Bella used to say that they have lived two lives, one with Trey and one...
What’s in a Memory?

What’s in a Memory?

I wrote an article about Trey’s love for Kennywood 4 years ago. That article is here. It was viewed 22 thousand times on Facebook and countless times overall. Simply put, it was my heart for my son and appreciation for a place like Kennywood written down for all...
Honor or Dignity

Honor or Dignity

There were two men staring at each other. The one had spoken poorly of the other man’s business. The other returned the insult by commenting on his wife. That resulted in a slander against the other man’s entire family. All of this culminated with the one...
People Do Change

People Do Change

I was graduating from high school. It was the spring of 1989. I passed my yearbook from friend to friend (and people I kind of knew that handed me theirs). I never wrote trite things like “ttyl” or “kit” but I always tried to say something...
Loving Others at Christmas (Holidays)

Loving Others at Christmas (Holidays)

I love to love people.  Full disclosure, I don’t necessarily like all people (there is no command in the bible for that) but I will love any and everyone that I can.  The bible is pretty clear on our duty to love. I teach that everyone has two ministries.  The...