
All Trey, All the Time
Exciting News

Exciting News

I heard a very astute observation recently. They said that you should never announce that you are going to embark on a weight loss journey. Further, you shouldn't post a "before" picture when you are starting. The reason for both is that you immediately get some of...



We were at the 8th annual UnWined event to benefit Children's Hospital Hematology/Oncology division. I jokingly call it our annual opportunity to buy fancy clothes and be reminded that we lost a child to cancer. Truth be told it is our annual honor to represent...

A Summer List

A Summer List

It's been awhile since I've posted a list. It cracks me up how many people love these lists. So, here you go! The amount of food in my fridge on Monday's compared to Friday is hilarious.I cook a lot on weekends.I'm in a burger slump. Salt, pepper, garlic and grill. I...

What Happened to the Individual?

What Happened to the Individual?

Jussie Smollett is a liberal gay activist who wanted to besmirch people that support President Trump. The left wants to destroy America. Before that, Jussie Smollett was attacked by two white MAGA hat wearing racists who hate lgbtq people. The right wants to destroy...

Challenging Myself

Challenging Myself

I learned how to golf when I was 12.  I started playing volleyball at the age of 14.  I didn't learn how to play tennis until high school.  Those are the last things (activities) that I have learned how to do.  Nothing new or challenging since then.  That is, until...

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