Yes, it’s been way too long since I’ve compiled a list. Thus, I will compile this list that has exactly no rhyme or reason. It’s a list with no name…or purpose, if you will.

  1. I once said, “If you will” to someone. They asked me, “If I will what?” It got really confusing after that.
  2. Cougartown is still the most underrated show ever. Yes, it is better when I quote it than actually watching it but I digress.
  3. Has anyone ever “gressed” or do we just digress?
  4. What is the greatest evidence that we are living in a simulation?
  5. When we came back from St. Lucia, I was really astounded by how much we hurry and scurry around for no apparent reason.
  6. That didn’t happen when we were in Jamaica or the Dominican Republic.
  7. Are movies, like in the theater, still a thing?
  8. The Steelers are much improved and really easy to root for (mostly).
  9. Writing a book has been an amazing journey.
  10. The coolest part (maybe) is that if it helps one family in crisis, one person to help others better, or one member of my family to better grieve, it will be completely worth it.
  11. It’s already been worth it.
  12. I miss playing table tennis.
  13. I really want a song/dance tradition to happen for Penn Hills basketball games (more than Swag Surfin’…yawn).
  14. Something like this?
  15. Should I go to a Christian Disc Golf conference in January?
  16. Should I get lessons in disc golf from my favorite player instead?
  17. I was thinking of writing the most simple worship song with absolutely no Christianese in it.
  18. I’d like to travel route 66 but odds are most places I’d like to eat don’t have gluten free options.
  19. It’s been crazy seeing a lot of what I’ve been reading about in regards to mental health all coming together.
  20. I highly recommend “Switching on your brain” as one of those books.
  21. I really need people to volunteer to maintain a hole on our disc golf course for next summer (well, at least 8 or 9 people).
  22. I had my first speaking engagement for the book this past week. I wonder how many I’ll do in the coming months.
  23. I enjoy watching the “Below Deck” series as mindless entertainment.
  24. It’s a great combination of emotional needs and management observations.
  25. Do you really think that the NFL is rigged?
  26. I thew away my smoker this summer (old, broken) and didn’t replace it.
  27. Maybe that’s something I’ll get into later in life (real smoking, not pellet/automatic).
  28. Working on the disc golf course is good but I need to start strength training again.
  29. Weird Science was a great movie, the bar scene is unmatched.
  30. Fantasy football is always fun and always frustrating.
  31. My league is over 30 years old.
  32. I love to cook but I have to step my sauce game up.
  33. I’ve always wanted to start my own business but not enough to do it.
  34. I guess writing and selling my own book is kind of that.
  35. There will be a small group leader’s guide that will come out after the book launch.
  36. I hope that churches/organizations use that to better care for others in crisis.
  37. I’d like to have a Young Life style drama night at my church with funny skits.
  38. I said, “Hey there young lady” to a college aged woman at my church today and immediately asked her if I was old enough to say that without it being creepy. She said that it was perfectly ok and that she only came to church because she wanted to hear me speak about loving others in light of the election this past week. Quite the exchange.
  39. My charge to the church was to seek to understand what “the other side” believes rather than to give in to hate and division.
  40. I encouraged the congregation to stop getting their information from mainstream sources (they’re biased no matter which one you choose), social media in general (algo rhythms are either echo chambers or set up to anger you), but rather find independent journalists who challenge you to think.
  41. I have two of them that I agree with 75% of the time and really make me think the other 25% of the time.
  42. I don’t like to reveal my politics so I won’t tell you who they are.
  43. I’m quite sure that we’ll never find out who was on the Epstein and Diddy lists.
  44. I made up a game where you sit in a circle and take turns bringing up a “conspiracy” theory. Each person must say whether they believe it or not with no discussion.
  45. You may alter the game by giving percentages as to how likely you think that they are.
  46. I’ve played it 2x and both times were really engaging and fun…often times they were also filled with laughter.
  47. Rachel believes in exactly 1 conspiracy theory and you’ll never guess what it is.
  48. I feel like our climate has actually shifted in that both fall and summer arrive later than in the past.
  49. I occasionally smell certain weeds & grass and it reminds me of Camp Twin Echo, 45 years ago.
  50. I cannot, cannot, cannot, stand the smell of marijuana, at all.
  51. I encourage everyone to closely follow Nateland entertainment and all that Nate Bargatze is doing.
  52. He has a Christmas special coming out.
  53. His vision is family friendly QUALITY entertainment like we used to have back in the day…but better.
  54. We still have a landline phone. With mom gone the only person that calls us is our next door neighbor.
  55. TJ Watt gets held…a lot. I’ve heard the explanation about when he dips under the block…but still.
  56. Do you think that Bob Nutting is going to own the Pirates forever?
  57. I am not all in on ChatGPT or any other AI.
  58. Most of that is because of the entropic nature of the repeated information.
  59. I do see it’s value in many applications.
  60. I wonder how many pastors use them for sermons.
  61. If you listen to any of my sermons you’ll know that there is NO WAY AI had anything to do with it, lol.
  62. The “magic” of Christmas as a child is much greater than through your children’s eyes.
  63. It’s magical to provide Christmas for your children, just not AS magical as when you were a kid.
  64. At least that’s true for me.
  65. I haven’t been to a concert in a long time.
  66. I have no idea who I’d go see at this point.
  67. Giving someone directions to take care of your stuff in the event of the Rapture is a great sly insult/joke.
  68. Rachel doesn’t think that OJ did it. THAT’S the hill she’s willing to die on.