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I look at him sleeping and wonder, “when will he sleep for good?”  I hear his infectious laugh, the pitter patter of his devious feet that lead him to no good, the scream of his demanding nature, and wonder when they will grow silent.  I think of “those days” and wonder how we will get through it though I am more than convinced that we will.  I wonder how we will proceed and what life will look life for Joe and Bella and how they will be changed.

Rachel does not, very rarely anyhow.  She takes the moments day by day in the most disciplined of ways.  That’s what she does…and that’s what is best for her.  Yet, we are different, very different in that regard.  I not only allow myself to think of what may/will, will/may lie ahead in the coming months (years?) but in a given moment I think of not only years but a lifetime ahead.  I will explain.

Before we do that please excuse me.  My last post, as I feared, was solely intended for me.  You see, I’ve been  under a bit of stress lately and even though I’m processing it, working it, fighting through it, I’ve taken some direct emotional hits.  Granted everything I said in Friday’s post is true and applicable to everyone it was part of some things I’ve been learning recently.  It is this learning that has given me the ability to say the following.

Life is short.  I should say, the time we spend here on this earth, is short.  Our bodies are finite fragile broken vessels that carry a spirit that will live (somewhere) forever.  Some of these “vessels” live for only hours, some for over 100 years.  I have a son who is expected to live less than 10 years…possibly less than 6.  I myself am at a solid half way point (I hope) and I have two parents who are a good bit toward the other end of the spectrum.  All of these numbers and life expectancies are a bit myopic though.  If you compare them to eternity they are all infinitely small.

The reality is, THAT eternal perspective is what I have been coming to understand.  This life I live in this body is but a blip on the radar of eternity.  If Trey lives to somewhere in the six’ (plural of six?) is it all that different from my grandparents that lived into their 90’s?  It depends on the perspective.  From a “this” world perspective it makes all the difference in the world.  It clearly isn’t fair that they got to experience 6x the “life” that he was blessed with getting to live.  It isn’t fair that others get to do so much more than he will.  However, if you look at life from an eternal perspective, it’s barely decimal points of a difference.

Am I rationalizing or being set free?  I believe I’m being set free.  Now, the reality is I am human, I am here, I do feel, I will be sad.  Yet, there will be a day when all things are made right.  When it’s “all over”…and I mean ALL, there will be a time when I walk with my wife, TWO sons, and daughter in eternity with no blemishes, no parenting, no pressure, no sadness, no anxiety.  We will laugh, sing, dance, hold hands, and thank God that He opened our eyes to who He is.

Yes, it’s not about me.  It’s not about you.  It’s not even about Trey.  It’s about God and who He is, what He has done, what He is preparing for any who call upon His name and accept the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.

Life is short, eternity is long, and these moments are precious.

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