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I suppose I’m playing a bit of the “C card” here.  No, I’m not asking for money (I wouldn’t turn it down mind you) or a special deep discount (again…), I’m speaking quite frankly, honestly, and truthfully.  It’s all about faith.

I have visited the question of Why Me? I have also talked about faith in Where is God when?  I even talked a good deal about faith in one of my most recent posts last week.  I would like to expand, for a minute, on the topic of faith and to a degree perspective.  Granted, perspective is not nearly enough but without it at all you will be mired in your hurt.

So, I lead with, “You are Not God.”  Let’s assume you are asking any of the question listed above or your own custom question as it pertains to your current trial/tribulation/tragedy.  The hard cold truth is that you are not God and you simply don’t know why these things have happened.  Again, I have gone over the bulk of why these things may or may not be happening to you in earlier posts but something hit me in the last few days that I will now share with you.

We don’t know what the future holds.  Further, we look at what we are being kept from and ask why we won’t get to experience those things.  Beyond that, you are looking at these things only with the best case scenario in mind.  It’s kind of like longing for the ex love interest by remembering the good times yet forgetting how much you hated the bad.  It’s also akin to looking at social media and only seeing the great vacations, new cars, promotions, crazy fun filled weekend nights and family day trips that many random people post but not realizing that these are a combined collection of good without any of the bad.

Rachel and I could sit here and be super upset day after day.  We could get mad at God because Trey (according to doctors blah blah blah…minus a miracle, which could happen) will never get to experience high school (heck, junior high or grade school for that matter), playing sports, going to dances, going away to college, finding his sweetheart, being successful, getting married, starting a family and being great at everything until she and I check out laying side by side in a nursing home at the ripe young ages of 96 and 91 years old respectively.

What if that wasn’t going to be the case though?  What if it wasn’t going to be that way for Trey?  What if something far worse was “in the cards” for him?  I don’t even want to speculate but I could make a long list of things that I wouldn’t ever want a child of mine to face (granted, cancer is one of them).  What if the suffering he would face in life was far worse than what he has experienced (or will)?  I’m not saying it would have turned out that way but I can’t  (and neither can you) say it wouldn’t.  The truth is we don’t know.

On another, albeit darker and ridiculous, note (hard to imagine huh) let’s say some random 1 year old has a never before seen condition where they keep growing extra limbs.  He/she dies from this condition before a cure is found.  With your God issued see into the future glasses on you realize that he/she was destined to become a serial killer where they would beat their victims in a Tasmanian Devil style fury (you know, with all the extra limbs?) and become the scourge of mankind.  So, God brought him home long before he and you would have had to endure all of this.  Likely?  Well, no, but it’s an illustration to prove a point.  We simply don’t know what the future would have held.

Call it rationalizing, call it looking at life through rose colored glasses, call it blind faith…frankly, I don’t care what you call it.  The truth is, You are not God…and neither am I.  We simply don’t know what would/could/have happened, good or bad.  It is far more important to feel what you need to feel, love who you can love, and comfort those who come before you.


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