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Rachel and I were talking the other day about how things like “50 Shades of Grey” can totally create a firestorm of controversy in different communities worlds.  There are so many angles to it.  Is it ok to read?  How bad IS the writing?  Is it basically 9 1/2 weeks circa 2012 in book form?  How do they know the writing is that bad through ALL three books unless they’ve read them all?  Is it wrong when I ask someone reading it, “So, what’s that book about?” just to see them squirm?  You know, things like that.  So, with that being said, this post has almost nothing to with that book…or at least I hope that there are no similarities.

Someone said to me the other day that they could hear my voice as they read my posts.  Another person told me that their mother really likes my website (yet, I’ve never met her).  That got me to thinking that there are a lot of people who read these and really don’t know me very well if at all.  Thus…


1.   I am actually named Joseph Clarence Mitlo (after my two grandfathers).

2.   I have read the first 6 chapters of 50 shades (I was the one who put it down).

3.   I have lived in Penn Hills for 36 of the 41 years of my life.

4.   My son has “terminal cancer”.

5.   My daughter and older son do not (I am passionate about them being emotionally healthy through this time).

6.   I have 4 incredibly loving, supportive, and unique older siblings.  Yes, I’m the baby.

7.   I am passionate about speaking in public.

8.   I am passionate about emotional needs and the impact they have on all of us.

9.   I am creative and love leadership.

10. Many a great idea has died a lonely death inside my head.  I am not a great do’er.

11. What I think will be funny to say rarely is and what I think will be amusing at best, kills.

12. I have coached volleyball for 37 (or so) seasons.

13. I have professionally sold wine and industrial/hydraulic hose (2 completely different jobs).

14. I have to match, clashing is not an option.

15. My head is huge, 7&7/8’s.

16. I’m secretly a bit of a hypochondriac.

17. Contrary to popular belief, I was a good boy in my school years.

18. I am honored, and certainly not bothered, to cry with/for someone who is sad.

19. I love to apologize.

20. I am politically quite conservative but believe that our current 2 parties are playing a shell game with no pea.

21. I am a proud graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana.

22. My wife Rachel and I work hard at having a very good marriage.

23. I have read “All’s Quiet on the Western Front” twice, the entire Left Behind Series, parts of 3 or 4 social observation type books, many John Grisham novels, 3/4’s of several Christian books and that’s it…that’s the list (I’m just not a reader).

24. I golf (not as much…or at all these days), play softball (well, I used to) and volleyball but my best “sport” is probably table tennis.  As a college freshman I beat the #112 18 and under player in the country.

25. I am an Eagle Scout but never liked being a boy scout.

26. I was once on federal district court jury duty for 2+ months.

27. I have been molested.

28. I delight a select few people with my ability to loudly but creatively pass gas (it really bothers others though).

29. I don’t really care that someone is a celebrity.

30. That being said I would love to have dinner with Dr. Drew and talk for hours (well, hour…I’d get antsy after a bit).

31. I don’t “hate” anymore (the Flyers being the exception but I’m close…close to just not liking them at all).

32. I am great at “getting it done” and terrible at preparing in advance.

33. I am very inappropriate in my humor and always have a sense for the outlandish.

34. I have experienced and understand betrayal all too well.

35. Anyone who has tried to disciple or mentor me has either experienced cancer, dementia, a church split, or a combination of all of them (6 people so far).

36. My 1st job was as an assistant messenger for $1/game at Pitt Stadium.

37. I love roller coasters.

38. I would love to get into a fight.  I just don’t want to get really hurt or in trouble.

39. I am very confident and yet self condemning.

40. I seem to be very gifted at things that don’t make a lot of money.

41. I love to win.

42. I KNOW that I am a great father and husband and FEEL like neither.

43. I was born and raised Catholic, was a Southern Baptist, have regularly attended an Assemblies of God church, presently attend a Presbyterian Church and consider myself none of the above.  I love Jesus and His people…and others too.

44. I love everyone and like far fewer.

45. I have no interest in living in any other country for any reason.

46. I would like to own an ice cream/sandwich shop someday.

47. I unintentionally talk like whoever I’m with (southern dialect, urbanese, midwestern, etc.).

48. In high school I prided (in a bad way) myself on never having done about 6 things that “bad people” did.  I think I have about 2 left on my “I’ve never” list (strip club-entered/attended or performed for that matter, high on drugs).  I no longer “pride” myself on these, just thankful.  Killing someone was not on the list…I haven’t done that either.

49. I would love to travel and eat at the places that have been featured on the Food network and Travel channel.

50. As an assignment I once had to make a list like this of strictly my faults…it was wonderfully freeing.


So, that’s me…for now.

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