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Jesus rolled away the stone, His body restored.  It was His moment.  As He stepped out into the wee hours of that third day He proudly proclaimed His victory over sin and satan…to no one.  “Hmmmmm” He must have thought.  “Was I not clear?  Did I not say, ‘ON THE THIRD DAY’?  Am I just not that good of a communicator?  I mean, I’m not inspired by God…I am God.  These were the ones My Father gave to Me.  I walked with them, talked with them, taught them and explained everything to them.  I didn’t expect them all to be here, Judas I was sure was taking all of this pretty poorly.  I’ll give Peter a pass, he was pretty freaked out about the rooster thing.  However, the rest of them?  One of them?  What of all the others?  I was there for them too.  Where are all those I healed?  Yeah, Legion talked a good game with all that ‘let me get in the boat with you stuff’ but where is He now?  If I said anything that was clear it was, ON THE THIRD DAY!  I just must not be a very effective communicator.”

Clearly, this is ridiculous if not borderline blasphemous.  However, how much more ridiculous is it than the thoughts that run through your head just after a holiday season?  You do everything you can to make sure everything is just right.  You coach your teams (sometimes that would be you…AND your wife, in total…maybe).  You prepare the congregation.  You run the cantata, mini opera and everything short of Eric Estrada.  Then, it’s over.  What’s different?  How full was the service?  Why does giving go down when the church is full?  Why do you know in your heart that next Sunday will be a ghost town?  Ah, that very comfortable yet depressing self deprecating cycle you go through.

Please don’t.  You are gifted.  He does work through you.  He has called you.  He still calls you.  Just take a moment and give Him the control over your ministry…again.  Listen for His still small voice and let Him minister to you…again.  Let someone in, let them love you.  I do.


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