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This picture popped up on my Facebook memories today.  It is one of my most favorite pictures of Trey. If you look into his eyes you see an entire story. He has the eyes of a wise old man, seeing more than 3 year old could/should ever fathom. No hair, body ravaged from Chemo, you would assume that he is in the greatest battle of his life.  You would only be partially correct.

Sure (in an understatement of the year) chemo is horrific.  However, his battle was only beginning.  He lived…LIVED for 3 more years.  He endured 2 major surgeries, one of which almost took his life.  He spent countless days in the hospital.  He endured a collapsed lung, a fat free (not low fat) diet, platelet infusions, spinal taps (plural), intense radiation treatment, experimental drugs, gross medicines, numerous scans where he had to be strapped motionless, nausea, bruising, allergic reactions to latex (which rendered his skin fiery red), missing school, missing parties, and months/years where he couldn’t go in the pool or even take a bath.

His battle was long and intense.  But look into his eyes.  There is an eternal vision present.  He is both in and out of this world.  He can see something we can’t.  I truly believe when you look into those eyes you are looking into the eyes of our Creator.

No, I am not saying that Trey was/is Jesus.  C’mon, you know me better than that.  I am saying that Jesus was IN Trey.  Nothing else explains it.  Who suffered more than Trey?  Jesus.  Who shined brighter than Trey?  Jesus.  Who loved more than Trey?  Jesus.  Who impacted more people than Trey?  Jesus.

That is exactly how life works.  We experience hardship, tragedy, pain, suffering.  Everyone does.  However, only some can come to grips with the opportunity that each trial and tribulation brings.  We can receive comfort in knowing that He has experienced any and everything that we are going through.  To identify with Jesus in His pain and suffering and share in His mission to love others is an honor and blessing.

Look into those eyes.  They are not normal.  Trey was not normal.  I could not be any more blessed than to have witnessed the God of all creation residing within my boy.  How could I be so blessed to get to experience such an extended miracle.  Trey’s birthday was May 12th, 2008.  To a degree this Trey was born on December 24th, 2010, the day he was diagnosed.  I am grateful for every minute that we spent with him.

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