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It hit me while I was stuffing the bird Thanksgiving morning.  I was listening to Joe, Bella, and Trey delight in the parade on t.v. and I thought, “This is most likely the last Thanksgiving we will get like this.”  For Christmas it hit me yesterday, “This is most likely Trey’s last Christmas.  It may never be this good again.”  Of course I cried for a moment, prayed, and got back to business.  However, this post is not about me but that moment and one more that lead me to what this post IS about.

Walking through the mall I noticed a full grown adult male who had severe developmental issues with his 65 or older mother (I assume).  Seeing them took me back to countless times in the hospital where I would notice older kids who were stretched out on wheel chairs with tubes attached (breathing/feeding/etc.) and mostly paralyzed.  I would think, “Man, I know I don’t want to go through what we’re going through with Trey but I sure don’t want THAT either.”

Thus, where I am dealing with “It may never be this good again” those folks, and many others, have and will continue to face “it was NEVER supposed to be like this” every Christmas…and every day.  My heart and this post goes out to them.  For those dealing with long term situations that have dramatically altered their lives, Christmas just cannot be easy…ever.  It also does not have to necessarily be child related.

Let’s be honest.  If you break it down, to a degree, many of us face this exact statement in so many ways.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  However, I’m not breaking down the “God’s way isn’t our way” or “If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans” typical mantra/age old dilemma.  I am also not going to begin to quantify suffering.  I am simply saying, from one man who many look at and say, “God Bless him/them…this must be so hard for them” I say to you, “I see you there.  I tip my hat to you veteran of the suffering/survivor club.  I know I’m a newbie here.  I salute…and tear for you.  Even if your story isn’t so fresh anymore and folks have moved on to the newest/trending sufferer (myself included), I respect you and am honored to be here with you.”


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