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1.  I spent two hours completing a post on how we can’t be perfect and HAVE to trust that God will cover our mistakes in our relationships with each other.  Upon completion and after I published it, yet before I linked it, it was gone.  I guess websites and cyberspace aren’t perfect either.

2.  Part of that post was on dealing with kids and not flipping out on them.  Bella had a huge meltdown and I didn’t flip out.  Plus one for me.

3.  I heard an ad on the radio for “The Penn Hills Club” the newest gentlemen’s club in Pittsburgh and that they were hiring dancers, bartenders, and all staff.  It seemed really strange until I figured out they were saying “Penthouse Club”…that makes more sense.

4.  I also heard another ad asking, “Do you want to beat a fan of the week?”  Turns out they said, “BE a fan of the week.”  THAT makes more sense.

5.  Apparently my hearing isn’t  perfect either.

6.  I asked Joe to consider practicing his violin and trumpet while mommy was with Trey at the hospital.  It would be a blessing for her to not have to ask/make him do it later.  He didn’t.  After I came home from running an errand he was practicing…he and mommy had had words.  His bad.

7.  Jay Mohr was interviewing Mike Tyson and realized, “Wow Mike, you like raising pigeons because they always come back and never leave you.  It goes back to you childhood.  I’m going to buy you some more birds.”  I love to hear people love people no matter who they are.

8.  We have 2,495,583,234 crayons in this house.  We had to buy Bella new ones for the first day of school.

9.  My lawnmower’s self propelled is broken, my grass is long.  Until it’s fixed, my lawn will still be long.

10.  I lost my last good contact for my left eye, the replacement (read: old one) kind of  hurts to blink.  My appointment with the eye doctor is the 30th.  Blink, meh, blink, guh, blink, ouch.

11.  Egg beaters bothers my stomach more than eggs…fyi.  Found that out yesterday.

12.  I can’t stop eating hot peppers…I’m ok with that, for 23 & 3/4ths hours of the day.

13.  I really really love my wife.

14.  I’m really passionate about loving and serving people, no matter who they are.

15.  A distant and dear yet new friend lost a loved one recently.  I wanted to send someone from that city to the funeral to express my sorrow for them.  I hesitated because I wasn’t sure if it was an altruistic beautiful gesture or a way of looking awesome in a “love mafia” kind of way.  Turns out that friend was in Pittsburgh the day of the funeral.  We had breakfast instead (egg beaters are bad).  He said it was a great idea and would have gladly gone.  I’m proud of him.

16.  I’m now late for volleyball practice.

17.  It is sometimes so cold in the gym that I keep a jacket in the car.  I guess air conditioning isn’t perfect either.

18.  I’m working hard at not judging and understanding everyone (we all have stories) but those who look down at people who don’t judge/accept other people at face value really bother me.  I judge them.

19.  Twenty would be a perfect number to end on.

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