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Two administrative details before we get to the post today.

1.  For those of you new to my blog (or blogs in general) if you see a word or phrase that is highlighted, that means that there is a link to another post that directly applies to the context of what I have just said.  If you put your cursor over it there is a few word explanation to the link.  If you click on it, a new window will open with the post that I have linked.  Very often in other blogs or on other sites it is a link to an ad.  I have no advertising on my site so this will never be the case on my website.  See?

2.  If you are looking at my “podcast” page you will quickly find that 95% of the podcasts are actually my sermons.  Further, they are in chronological order.  Lastly, the dates on them are the dates that they are posted, not recorded.  Just an fyi.

That being the case, and without any real good transition or segue’, we are doing just fine.  Granted, we’ve all taken a turn at being sick to varying degrees.  Bella always has a bit of a cough that comes and goes (too many carbs and crunchies, too little fruit…though she does eat her share of veggies).  Joe had a real bad case of bronchitis that kept him up all one night.  To have him not sleep due to labored breathing just two weeks after Trey’s passing was complete torture for him, for us, for all involved.  He’s fine now.  I got an horrific chest (then head) cold last week.  Just debilitating.  Rachel has a tickle cough but it has progressed no further.  Other than that we are all ok.  I had my first Trey dream which crushed me for a good 12  hour period.  The dream wasn’t even all that big of a deal but I woke up in a real bad way.  Moving on…

One other note, after my last post, many of you encouraged me to emote whenever and wherever I could or felt them.  I will respectfully disagree.  If you read this, you will see one of the most profound things ever taught to me.  In it is the quote, “Grief without comfort is pointless.”  Very few things have ever made as much sense to me as this.  I had a girlfriend once tell me (relax…many many years ago), “You know, it’s ok to cry.”  Thanks Freud.  I had cried my eyes out over the years in regards to the topic of which she was speaking.  Years later still, Rachel gave me great comfort AS I TEARED telling the same story.  The key is to attach the comfort to the grief.  Many of you have unknowingly comforted us greatly by typing, “there are tears running down my face as I type this” or “my heart is so heavy and my chest so tight for all of you.”  Great, comforting words that let us know that we are not alone and not being simply watched or judged.  Thank you.

That is where today’s post picks up.  The following is a quote that I have read in the past, loved, and moved on.  I read it shortly after Trey passed and it took me to a complete other level.  It is from Heraclitus.  It reads as follows.

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”

Even now I tear as I type this.  Yes, my Trey was not only “A” Warrior, but truly was the “Young Warrior.”  Man I do miss him so much.  We have heard quite a few stories about how he and his journey (and ours…I get that) have brought people “back.”  That is where you come in.

You see, for years, I have been working on “the book.”  Hundreds of hours have been spent (I used to have more time on my hands) compiling and editing all of Rachel and my posts on Trey and our journey.  That is still moving forward and now is easier to manage  knowing the “end” of the story.  What I need your  help with today is actually the 2nd book.  You see, the first one is going to be the almost 4 year journey that we were on as we battled cancer.  The second one is simply the impact it had on all of you.  So…

With that being said, could you please share your story about how Trey “brought you back?”  In so doing you are giving me permission to use your name (however you sign it) and your story in said project.  Many of you have already shared with me the great impact the past month(s) have had on you.  If it has been in the past month and I would like to use your story I will contact you for permission.  If you would like to add to this project please email your story to: (don’t worry, this is not my everyday email and will only be used for this project).

God has done great and mighty things during these past 4 weeks (years).  It does our heart so good to hear what you have to share.  It really helps us more than you know.

As always, thank you for all that you have done and are doing.

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