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Oh, it’s been awhile.  For you list lovers, here’s what’s been going on…

  1.  Man I’ve been doing a lot of cooking lately.
  2. “The Flavor Bible” is an amazing book and resource.
  3. I have no desire to see Independence Day 2.
  4. None of my seedlings (peppers) have really made it.
  5. Some haven’t died, but they’re not really growing either.
  6. The plants I bought and planted however, are doing quite well.
  7. I would like new shoulders please.
  8. In my house it’s a race to cook all the perishable foods and then a race to empty all of the tupperware.
  9. I am speaking again at the Children’s Hospital UnWined fundraiser.
  10. I spoke once before when Trey was still alive but “terminal.”
  11. This will be the first time when someone speaks whose child did not survive…daunting.
  12. I’m confident that God will provide me with exactly what to say.
  13. I am very excited to go on vacation (Ocracoke, NC).
  14. I plan on doing…nothing, repeatedly.
  15. My contacts are supposed to last 1 month.
  16. I get an average of 6 months per pair.
  17. I take them out and clean them every night but my doctor still thinks I’m quite the story.
  18. I wish I could exchange that giftedness for something else.
  19. My glasses are Polo and are over 20 years old.
  20. Bella has been very clingy lately.
  21. Joe is quick to apologize and slow to fall asleep.
  22. Oh, Bella’s Lyme disease is fine and she is done with her antibiotics.
  23. My PCP does not suffer from over communication.
  24. I golfed for the first time in 2 years and 2nd in 5 years last Saturday.
  25. I shot 82, golf is funny.
  26. I’ll bet that if I played tomorrow I wouldn’t play as well.
  27. People who constantly “cheer” others on are rare and a true blessing.
  28. There’s still nothing quite as satisfying as staring quizzically at someone who just almost hit you (all their fault) and honked AT YOU.
  29. The last fight I was in was when I was 14…one year older than Joe.
  30. It’s really weird having them be old enough for me to remember a lot about being that age.
  31. WiiU is more complicated and exciting than Pong.
  32. I can’t eat Cilantro but I like Coriander (the seed spice of Cilantro).
  33. I have taken Joe and Bella to the driving range 2x this summer.
  34. Joe has a nice deliberate swing and is doing well…ish.
  35. Bella has a much more fluid swing but struggles to, well, hit the ball.
  36. A good guy and former VB player of mine, Even Ruhling, had a hole in one yesterday.
  37. Michael Pleczkowski (my nephew) and I beat him and Matthew Pleczkowski (also a nephew) when we played.
  38. I’ve changed the name of my someday probably never restaurant from “What’s Good” to “Simple Sandwich Shop.”
  39. Crappy sermons are typically followed by a bunch of “atta boys” and complements.
  40. My best sermons (in my opinion) usually go unmentioned.
  41. Either God is reminding me that it’s about Him and not me or I not only don’t know when I’m funny but also have no clue as to what a good sermon (from me) sounds like.
  42. Given that I love cooking shows and yet hate to hear people chew presents me with quite the conundrum.
  43. It blows my mind when I see people 10 years younger than me that look 5 years older than me.
  44. The Bachlorette/Bachelor are simultaneously the best and worst shows on tv.
  45. I just bought a pair of chaco’s sandals.  My old ones only lasted 8 years.
  46. I used to buy sandals every year.
  47. The guy at REI looked really puzzled and offended that I didn’t want to join their co-op.
  48. It is always an honor to be able to grieve with someone.
  49. It is a true measure of maturity to be happy with and for someone who has more than you.
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