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Holidays can be a great time for family, friends, and loved ones.  It is a time to be around those who mean the most to you.  It is also quite rife with the stress that comes with meeting and eating with your “significant other’s” loved ones for the very first time.  For some, it is a very lonely time as they have no significant other.

Contrary to many of my recent posts I thought this could lighten up your day a bit and be useful for those of you without a “date” for this Holiday season.  Even if you have a date, this could be helpful to those of you early on in the dating process.

So, below is a list of tips and advice to you.  There are two people who are contributing to this list.  The first is the master of the flirtatious dance, Trey.  The other is yours truly.  You figure out who gave which tip(s).  Although I have been “out of the game” for many years I keep myself current vicariously through helping others.  Trey is a stud, plain and simple, a mack.  We have both used the tips that we now share with you.

1.  Always remember their name and use it.

2.  Let it be a gentle yet purposeful dance.  Let them know you are interested but cause them to show their interest as well.

3.  Lick them.

4.  Let them know early on that you are serious about them and them alone.

5.  Openly talk about multiple interests you have amongst many different options.

6.  Always respect their personal space.  This shows you off to be a perfect gentleman and creates a challenge to them that will continually peak their interest in you.

7.  Pull at the neckline of their shirt as if you don’t know what’s underneath, play dumb.

8.  Get them to talk about themselves.  They will think that you really care and unknowingly find you to be thoughtful and caring.

9.  Talk incessantly about what you like and are obsessed with.

10.  When the time is right, gently touch their elbow…yes, their elbow (even with just your own elbow if you are sitting near).  Then, another time, allow the contact to continue.  If they pull away you have learned that they may not be interested.  If they leave it there, they are most likely experiences butterflies in their stomach.  If that is the case, you are home free.

11.  Stick your face in their chest.

12.  Dress to impress but not above your regular style.  If you ramp it up too far you will be uncomfortable and give off a negative vibe.

13.  Pull your pants down with utter disregard to the social situation or ramification.

14.  Give them room.  Allow them to come to you.  They will, if it’s right.

15.  Scream their name whenever you see them.

16.  Be careful how you talk about your family, friends, and former relationships (try not to ever talk about those you have dated).  Speak in warm loving tones that reveal your appreciation and care for your loved ones without being too attached, omit a lot if you must.  It will speak to your ability to show grace in a relationship and your ability to have one in the first place.

17.  Dismiss all other loved ones and actually tell them to go away…rudely.

18.  If they are not completely in to you, let them go or tell them that they are free to do so.  If they wanted to be with you, they would be.

19.  Grab them, pull at them, scream at them, make them pay attention to you.  Show no shame, have no pride, make them love you.

20.  Trust that God is in control and knows your needs.  Put your expectations on Him to meet your needs and watch how He moves in your life.  Have faith that He is far more in control than you could ever imagine and that one day, you will meet “that person” and everything will change…in an instant.

Hopefully you were able to crack the code of which items were my advice and which were Trey’s.  We hope and pray that you utilize the best of them and perhaps have some dating success this Holiday season.


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