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Everything is ok.  Just as it was promised to me years ago by a random woman after I preached at her church.  She had said that God kept saying to her,  “It’s going to be ok.”  She didn’t understand until she realized that it was a message for me…not her.  In fact, it was the first time God had really spoken to her in this way.  She told me, “I’m not saying that Trey is going to be…well, you know.”  She said that she just felt lead to tell me that no matter what happened, that we would be ok.

Well, here where we are.  Just 36 hours away from a moment that we had hoped and prayed would never happen.  Where are we?  We’re ok.  Are we sad?  Yes.  Are overwhelmed?  Yes.  Are Joe and Bella dealing with this in their own way?  Yes.  Are we a puddle of emotions?  No.  Are we crying 24/7?  No.  Are we dysfunctional in every way?  No.  Are we ok?  Well, yes.

So, come and see.  Our heart breaks, in fact, for you and yours.  We’ve received unbelievable notes/messages from folks (including a precious handwritten note to Bella from a friend) that show us how heartbroken people are for us…and themselves.  So we will all grieve and comfort one another.

The visitation will be Saturday from 2 – 4, and 6 – 8.  Then, Sunday from 3 – 8.  The funeral will be Monday morning at 10:00 am.  Both the visitations and funeral will be at Hebron United Presbyterian Church in the Barclay building.  Feel free to bring your children if they need to see that Joe and Bella are ok.  We will have games and activities to keep them busy as they get to say goodbye to someone that they have prayed for…for years.

It is both a time of mourning and comforting but also a celebration of the life of Trey and all that God did…and is doing through him.  We look forward to being with you.



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