1. Trey had a long week of testing and scanning.
2. Monday was bloodwork being drawn…no big deal.
3. Tuesday was school. Fun fun, play play, learn learn (?). No big deal.
4. Wednesday was a bone marrow biopsy where they take a cork screw type thingy and bore it into his spine and take some marrow out. Of course he’s out for the procedure but he gets a little (and I do mean just a little) sore afterwards…plus he got a flu shot.
5. Thursday was a CT scan where the worst part is he has to drink a cup of a “pink lemonade” contrast fluid. He did great and even carried his own blood sample down to the imaging center.
6. Friday (today) is an MIBG scan. It’s a lot like a CT or MRI only it last for over an hour. They give him the “silly” juice to help keep him calm and still. It basically makes him just past silly drunk to a very chill dumb state. It’s really quite fun to watch it take effect…in a sad if you let it kind of way. Really though, you can’t watch him without cracking up.
7. On the same juice on Wednesday he told Rachel that she had too many eyes.
8. BREAKING NEWS: Rachel just talked to our doctor who said that his blood work today is great, the marrow (as per #4) was improved and that the CT scan (as per #5) showed improvements as well!
9. He is doing great at school. Granted, because of all of his tests he was only there one day this week but it was great.
10. I think we would all have a great work week if it was only one day.
11. His behavior at home has been quite good as well this week.
12. His platelets have been pretty good (I think he got one bag earlier this week but I could be wrong) and his skin is 100% better.
13. His neck is almost all better as a rarely notice him favoring it anymore.
14. His appetite is fine.
15. I end with this as I just can’t…not share it. I took him to the hospital one day last week. He got his normal blood draw. He, of course, was holding the half test tube type thing in his hand and was talking with his nurse about his new “girlfriend.” She said that she thought that she was his girlfriend. She and I both at that point were talking to him about how you don’t talk to one girlfriend ABOUT another one. In the middle of one of her sentences he reached forward and stuck the test tube right in her cleavage. Yep. Without a word. Right in the middle. It was kind of like a nonverbal, “here you go toots, how do you like that? How’s that for not talking about my other girlfriends?” It was a bit awkward for her and me but overall very very hilarious. She and I laughed real hard for a very long time. He was simply chill about it.
We love you all and thank you for being here with us. We have a big family weekend ahead of us with “Stella!” (Aunt Cathy) and her whole family in town for a big family reunion tomorrow. I’m sure Trey won’t give us any stories from any of that. Thanks for caring, praying, and supporting us.
Concerning #6 and #15 – Praise the Lord for the lighter moments! That “cleavage” episode is hilarious!