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I wish.  Now, that being said I ask you, “Do you have a bedtime routine for your kids?  Did your parents have one for you growing up?”  I do.  We do.  However, I want to talk with you about my routine with the kids.  Once we get done praying as a family, Rachel and I have separate things we do with each child.

First, let me set the scene from last night from last night.  Rachel takes Bella to the mall and then to dance.  I take Joe and Trey to Big Lots to buy gifts for Bella and Mommy (from Joe and Trey).  Trey, all geeked up in the first place to go out with the boys, wants to buy Rachel a $12 Toy Story game.  I gently explain that mommy probably wanted something else.  We dance that dance a bit and finally I put it back on shelf and Trey back in the cart.  Emotional meltdown follows.  Tears streaming down his face, his jacket wet with tears, our ears numb with his screaming, it was one of “those” moments.  I’m a good enough parent to eventually…eventually distract him enough to get the tears to stop.  Joe pushes the envelope on what a “snack” is, and we get out of there.

Then, we get home in enough time for me to rush to a meeting where I end up being the only one there.  Everyone had a good reason to not be there, so no real big deal.  I swing by Giant Eagle on the way home to pick  up some things for dinner for Rachel and me (I mean, Wednesday is steak night after all) and get nothing else we need (my bad) but manage to love some folks who work there so at least I’ve stabilized a bit.  I then get home.

The kids are in bed but still awake.  That means that they all get their bed time routines…fine.  I tell them all to stay in their bed (sometimes they come into my room while I change).  Trey announces that he needs to use the rest room and stops in my room to tell me about the Toy Story toy that “mommy” wanted.  I tell him to go to the potty and GET TO BED!  He goes in the bathroom, turns on the light and yells to Bella, “Bella, the light is on! (Bella, for some reason, hates when the bathroom light is on when she is in bed).”  I repeat, louder, “USE THE POTTY AND GO TO BED!!!”  He does.  Then, I begin the bedtime routine.

I pray for Bella (she loves when I do) but have to tell Trey that he won’t be getting his bedtime routine if he ISN’T QUIET!!!  I then sing for her the song I made up years ago.

It’s time for you to sleep my girl, for tomorrow looms.

It’s time for you to rest Bella, the best is there for you.

So dream of all you’ll ever want, pray for what you’ll need.

We’ll be there right by your side, Bro bro, Trey, Mommy and me.


I then take care of Joe.  I go over a list of those who love Joe.  With each, he replies…me.

Me: Daddy loves…

Joe: Me.

Me:  Mommy loves…

Joe: Me.

etc.etc.etc. ending with me saying that Joe loves…and he says “me” as in himself (I base this on Jesus saying that we are to love our neighbors…as our self, pointing out that we are to love our self).  I reply, “Yes, and you love Jesus and everyone else.”  We then go over what he will have for breakfast the next day.


I head over to Trey’s bed for his routine.

I kneel by his bedside, begin to rub his back gently with my fingertips, and pray, “Jesus, thank you for Trey.  Please keep him strong and healthy.”  I then place my palm flat on his back, covering most of it, and pray under my breath, “heal him.”  Every night the same thing up to that point.  Then, I pray for whatever is on my heart in that moment.

So, at THAT point last night I continued, “Jesus, show Trey that being loving, being nice, loving Joe and Bella, loving his mommy and daddy is better than being a stinker.”  At THAT moment, at THAT VERY MOMENT…he (with his back, and backside to my face) he farts.  Yep, I ask God to show him to love.  He, in turn, excretes his solid waste through gaseous form right in my grill piece (no further than 6 inches).

Yep, that’s my life.  What does your bed time routine look like?

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