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There is a website called reddit which people vote on all of the articles and newsclips that are on the internet and it basically ranks them.  An offshoot of this website is called IAmA.  People mention that they are…something…anything, noteworthy.  Then those visiting the site can ask them anything.  It’s really quite amazing as you get everything from politicians and sports stars (celebrities in general) to people with severe disabilities and sickness.   Rachel brought up the idea of me doing a version of this here on my website a while ago.

A few months ago a close friend, brother really, was in town with his newlywed wife.  Towards the end of our lunch I told them that if they had any questions regarding Trey that they were more than welcome to ask me and need not be “careful.”  Surprisingly, they did have some questions.  I was shocked that they wouldn’t have asked me the questions without my prompting.

Yesterday I was having lunch with yet another really good friend, again, close like a brother and shared with him a story about a guy who had some great, open, and honest questions.  I pointed out that his responses were refreshingly honest.  My man yesterday added, “What he did was ask you some questions that none of us have the b@lls to ask you but would like to know.”  He continued, “We (from those closest to you to those who you have just met) can’t imagine what you are going through and just don’t know what we can ask without doing harm.”

Thus, here we are.  Where is that you say?  Here’s where.  Ask Me Anything.  Go ahead…it’s ok.  I am not only permitting you, I’m asking you to do it.  You need not worry about hurting me or taking me to a place you’re afraid that I will go emotionally.  Nope, it’s all on the table.  The one caveat is that it is something you want to know.  I guess what I’m saying is don’t ask me something just to see if I’ll answer it that has nothing to do with our present trial and journey that we are experiencing.  For example, the question, “Could God build a rock bigger than He could throw?” (my answer is, He wouldn’t, by the way) is not what I’m looking for here.  I think you get me on this.

So, please, ask away.  Please ask it on this website in the comment section and not on whatever page that lead you here (facebook, twitter, etc.).  That way everyone can see it.  I will reply to all questions as soon as I can.  Have a great weekend!!!

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