- Getting food out of your teeth that has been stuck for too long
- Paramedics (the number one most underrated profession)
- Post beach shower – Bella
- Perfect cracking of your back – Rachel
- Balancing your meal to finish with the perfect bite
- When someone else likes your obscure favorite show
- When that sneeze finally arrives – Rachel
- A fresh cut lawn
- Seeing and appreciating grills/soil/pool equipment for sale at the stores in the dead of winter
- When you see someone that you fear wants to talk to you and they walk right on by
- Grilled cheese and tomato soup (old school, nothing fancy) – Rachel
- Someone (another family member) filling your tank of gas
- Perfect water temperature for swimming
- Waking up to a thunderstorm, then going back to sleep
- Hearing a song that “bops” on the radio – Rachel, quoting “the kids”
- A good caulking performance
- When the racoons DON’T get into your trash
- Being the first to ski down a groomed slope
- When your ear pops – Rachel
- Finally getting to sit down after a long day – Bella
- Getting to sleep in your bed after a vacation – Bella (Rachel agreed)
- The ride home always being shorter than the way there
- Toast – well, at least from the perspective of a gluten free guy
- Clean sheets are appropriately rated, but what about a fresh clean towel?
- A good personable but not overly chatty waiter/waitress
- Good friends. Although appreciated, they are often UNDERapprecitated
- Chris Davidson – Lia (Joe’s girlfriend)
- Inside jokes
- Dry humor – Joe when asked for his list of underappreciated things, “All things are appropriately rated”
- Shoes that fit right and don’t wrinkle under the tongue or mess with your socks
- DVR and streaming television options – kids today have no idea
- Saltines
- Not ending your lists with an even number
- Finding a snickers bar in your freezer – Jason Smith
- Money in your winter coat – Eric Hammond
- When a song ends when you arrive at your destination – Eric
- Calcite – Dan Leppold
- Clean kitten smell – Dan
- Firecracker smell – Dan
- Play-doh smell – Dan
- Sound of a distant carniveal – Dan
- Smell of Sticky Bumps surfboard wax – Dan
- Your favorite Christmas ornament – Dan
- Stained glass and the rising sun – Dan
- Sound of wind moving the leaves of a tree
- Easy Cheese – Dan
- Plastic warp that actually sticks to what is being wrapped – Becky Fenoglietto
- Opening a new jar of peanut butter and that first scoop – Leslie Power Septak
Please leave a comment and let us know what we left off of the list.