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I was interviewed yesterday by Eric Hyle.  He is the lead columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune Review (or ONE of the lead columnists anyhow).  Here is the column that appeared in today’s paper.

Also, here is this weeks Prayer Update from “To My Audience of One”

Trey Tuesday – March 18, 2014

It’s Everywhere!

International unrest, financial ruin, abuse, neglect, poverty, severed relationships, and oh yeah…cancer!  The brokenness is absolutely everywhere these days!
I heard an amazing sermon this past Sunday, and one sentence struck me hard:
~ Even among Jesus, brokenness abounds.
Think about it – As Jesus walked this earth He spent time among the broken:
The blind – Mark 8:22
The lame – Matthew 15:30
The sick – Matthew 14:14
The sad – John 14:1
The dead – John 11:35
And even the demon possessed! – Matthew 4:24
Yet God was faithful and fulfilled His purposes, even among the broken!
And He is doing the same in and through Trey! 🙂
Please continue praying for Trey to be healed from cancer!
Please also pray for Jay and Rachel to take their brokenness to God, to remember His faithfulness!
And for Joe and Bella to know that God is always up to something good! 🙂
And as Easter draws nearer, think on this theme of brokenness….God sent Jesus, wholly holy and perfect, to be broken, sacrificed, killed….so you could be made eternally whole!
“This is my body given for you” Luke 22:19
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”  2 Corinthians 5:21
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