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Here is the weekly prayer guide for Trey.  Thanks for always interceding on our behalf.  Despite Joe and Bella having the foot and mouth rash virus (that Trey very well may given them, he is a giving lad) Trey continues to truck along just fine.  He had a blood scan this week and everything is top notch.  Remember, he has gone since October with nothing to thwart the growth of the cancer…other than your prayers.  Thank you.

From my sister Cathy Muscara’s blog – To My Audience of One…


We all have them…

Tall, short, heavy, thin…
American, African, Asian…

Divorce, depression, poor, anorexic…

Diabetes, autism, heart disease, cancer…

Can you identify with any of these labels?
God allows them all, yet when He looks at us, He won’t see those labels!  🙂
Just like Jay and Rachel (and most of the world!) look at Trey and most of all see the extreme love they have for him, God looks at each one of us with an even greater, stronger, unconditional love!  Love truly is blind!  🙂

The miracle of Easter Sunday is a miracle of love which covers everything!  No labels!  🙂

“God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8
Loved by God – that’s a label we can all proudly and confidently wear!  :)This Trey Tuesday we praise the Lord for Trey’s PERFECT blood work today!  🙂

And we ask for prayer surrounding scans which will begin in May.
And as always, for the miracle of Trey being healed!  🙂
Hmmm…healed…now THAT is the Ultimate Label!  🙂

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”I John 4:10

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