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  1.  I wanted to make a post entirely about how our society seems to really take celebrity deaths hard.
  2. I, obviously, decided against it as I wasn’t sure of my theories as to why and doubting my observance of them being taken “so seriously.”
  3. One of my theories is that we tend to “move on” from the deaths in our world without having healing comfort attached to our grief thus leaving the topic of death way too raw.
  4. It’s just an opinion though so I didn’t go with it.
  5. I grilled some center cut pork chops the other day and for the first time had the guts to not have to cook them all the way to super dryness.
  6. Turns out, no one died of food poisoning.
  7. Rachel said that it tasted like steak.  At $2.49/lb (not even a great price) compared to $(way too high steak price) we may be doing a lot more pork in the future.
  8. The other day a tv show revealed that the villain was North Korean.  She had to mention that she wasn’t with the government but a radical faction that splintered off from the government.  Is that how PC/careful/litigious we’ve become?  We are afraid of offending a government that has publicly claimed it’s desire to blow us up?
  9. Rachel, Joe, and Bella have been totally sharing the same cold.  My self condemnation can reach such heights that I feel like that if I was around them more often I would also get that cold.  As it is, I’m good not being sick.
  10. Ok, for the record I tend to write these posts during the daytime.  I tend to have the cooking channel on in the background unless I’m really focusing or getting emotional.
  11. That being said, “Everyday Italian” with Giada De Laurientiis for the lack of more appropriate terms, plays stereotypical “adult film” music in the background (go ahead make fun of me for saying this but you knew what type of music that I meant).
  12. I really wonder if they do that on purpose, food being sensual, she not ugly, the music…sooo manipulative, sooo bothersome, so….smart.
  13. I get confused on the Oprah Network when they play “Where are they now” episodes.  Are these repeats and thus, “Where are they now as per 2008” or actually up do date and where THEY ARE NOW?  Confusing.
  14. Cougartown, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the worst titled and most enjoyable sitcom I’ve ever watched.  Meaningful and hilarious.
  15. Especially with food items but other words as well, I can’t stand how people of a certain culture, who speak as if they are from Detroit, Austin, Seattle, or Atlantic City all of sudden embrace their heritage and waaaaayyyyy over pronounce said food item in their native tongue.
  16. A young lady was pulled over by the Police this morning on a neighborhood street in Penn Hills.  She and her friend were laughing and videotaping the officers.  I don’t want to start a firestorm here but my bet is you are not a victim (officers, even the angriest, rarely tend to be targeting ANYTHING at 7:30 in the morning) you are simply a bad driver.
  17. It’s 2016, why are we still faxing?  Can’t I just think a document over to you?
  18. I think it’s funny how Christians fear being given a “chip” that will track their every move (end times type stuff) and are planning on their glorious rejecting of said chip.  They’re already carrying the chip in their pocket (it’s a cell phone).
  19. Hot banana peppers, bell peppers, and onion fried together with olive oil and garlic?  It’s just a beautiful thing.
  20. That being said, Rachel and I went into Home Depot to buy stuff for my herb and veggie garden.  Turns out we had two completely different ideas as to what we were going to be building.
  21. We scared the kids with our ensuing “differences.”
  22. We’re ok now.
  23. The kids are no longer scared…just scarred.
  24. Never said I was perfect.
  25. None of you are arguing…sigh.
  26. Rachel just got back from the gym.  I tickled her in the neck and made this really high pitched noise.  She hates me now.  I can’t stop laughing.
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