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I have posted elsewhere that I am terribly upset at the division that we are experiencing through our reactions to some tragic international events and our domestic responses to them.  Therefor, I am offering a feel good list of things that can hopefully brighten your day.

1.  The crunch of a chicken wing

2.  Puppies

3.  Cats (not really)

4.  Your favorite pair of jeans, out of the wash, still fitting

5.  Your friend understanding when the jeans don’t fit (the wash shrunk them)

6.  Your favorite tv show…NEW episode

7.  Your favorite tv show…repeat for the 315th time

8.  Laughter til it hurts

9.  “I can’t believe you said that!” hilarious moments of surprise inappropriateness

10. Someone else’s food

11. Your favorite fast food…not awesome, just good (granted, not good FOR you but…)

12. When “food that’s good for you” meets “food that tastes great”…magical…rare

13. A good book (so I’ve heard)

14. Movie popcorn

15. Stadium/arena nachos

16. Bacon

17. THAT video that makes you (laugh, cry, giggle, be in awe…)

18. A great workout

19. Playing games with family

20. Eating with family

21. Getting lost on a drive to nowhere

22. Conversations with respected elders that leave you in awe of their wisdom

23. Finding out you’ve blessed others

24. Doing something because you feel lead and finding out it was needed more than you expected

25. Having an apple tree blow over and NOT cause damage to 98% of your property or cars

26. Sitting around a fire with friends

27. Chili on cold day

28. The first run down a freshly groomed ski slope

29. Going above the tree line while skiing in the Rockies

30. Being at the ocean at sunrise

31. Being at the ocean at sunset

32. Being at the ocean

33.  Being anywhere where no one knows you

34. Being where everyone knows you (and likes you)

35. Good neighbors

36. Weird but not dangerous neighbors that give you something to talk about

37. Reading scripture and thinking, “was that in there the whole time?  Wow!”

38. Fresh ripe fruit

39. Preferred parking

40. Awesome terrible movies

41. Tim Conway making everyone laugh on the Carol Burnett Show

42. Watching someone fall who doesn’t know you saw them fall (yes, they are ok)

43. Seeing your kids be happy

44. Wondering if the sound you hear is someone repossessing your car (or van) and realizing, “wait, we own both vehicles outright”

45. Remembering someone who cried with you over a tough story

46. Crying with someone as they tell you a tough story

47. Realizing what an idiot you must look like in a given situation and just not caring

48. That movie you watch over and over again

49. When you try a new recipe and it works

50. Not needing alcohol to talk to yourself in the morning, “Now Jay, that’s why we don’t eat wings two days in a row are we clear on this?”


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