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This is just a weekly spot where I will fill you in on what’s been going on in the world of a parent dealing with a child who has been diagnosed as terminal (cancer).  Most of you probably know of Trey’s story by now but if you don’t everything I have written regarding Trey is collected on the “Trey” dropdown menu.  If you want to know the short of the long and short of it, he is in top notch condition and as normal as any other 4 year old.  The only difference is that he has some malignant tumors that will at some point grow (further) and/or spread, ending his life (according to doctors).  Yes, God is able to heal him at any moment and that is certainly our prayer.  As it is, He may not.  Either way, every day is a new day and until we don’t, we have Trey with us.  Here is a sample of things that happen in a given week and finally a blog post on how to pray for Trey.  Thanks for reading.

Monday October 15th – Ok, so Trey was up and down yesterday. On the one hand he and I had a great afternoon playing outside together…soooo much fun. On the other, he totally flipped out a couple of times over the phone and some random leapfrog hand held game that he found in the bottom of a toy box. ALL THAT BEING SAID, bath and bedtime went relatively smoothly. Then, as Rachel and I went to bed we checked on him. No, there was no poop in any bowl or any other receptical. Rather, there was a barbie doll. A barbie doll face up. A barbie doll face up under him. A barbie doll face up, under him, under his…crotch. Yep…you fill in the rest.
Then Tuesday afternoon – I just put him down for his nap and prayed for him…as always. Before I was done he said “pray again.” So I did. I thanked God that so many people pray for him, that so many people love him. I concluded by thanking God that I get to be his daddy. It sometimes seems so real and yet surreal all at the exact same moment in time.


Trey Tuesday – October 16, 2012

From the the blog “To My Audience Of One” by Cathy Mitlo Muscara
Run vs. Grace
When I was in elementary school the teachers used a writing assignment as an in-school punishment.
For whatever misdemeanor, a student would have to stay indoors during recess and copy a definition from the dictionary.
Not just any definition…no…the definition of “run.”
More than 100 definitions of the word “run!”
I recently have been studying “grace.”
It’s pretty amazing that a deep concept like grace can be summed up in such a small number of definitions!
Definitions are a tricky thing….especially when it comes to people.
Does cancer define Trey?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Go ahead then – Try and define Trey!  🙂
As we Pray for Trey this week, seek God’s definitions and very best for Trey and his family!
Thank Him for His grace and mercy in the character of Trey!
And please pray for continued safe and effective treatments for Trey!
“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”
2 Peter 3:18
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