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Once again, I was going to post today about our trip to Disney.  I was going to tell you a bunch of stories from the trip when nothing went right and I/we were left saying/thinking, “This…this is nice.  Trey is flipping out, Joe and Bella are annoyed and feeling neglected and Rachel and I are at a loss of what to do (wow, it was actually funny at the time.  Now it just seems sad).”  The humor lies in the details I suppose.  Anyhow, the trip was an overwhelming success and all of us had a great time filled with all sorts of beautiful memories.

However, you’re just going to have to trust me on that…for now.  As I got home from driving Bella to school, Trey was at the top of the steps.  He had been awake for  sometime just looking at videos on Rachel’s phone (none of the kids are allowed to use daddy’s phone, that ship sailed a long time ago).  He said that his leg hurt.  He asked me to hold him.  So, I picked him up brought him down to the couch.

He said that it hurts on the inside (as compared to a rash or whatever).  He wants to be comforted but assures me that he isn’t sick.   So, what could it be?  Well, who knows?  This, THAT, something, nothing.  You just never know.  Perhaps this is the beginning (or continuation?) of…the end (the cancer growing/spreading)?  Maybe, he twisted his knee last night and it’s no big deal?  The point is, you just never know.

I’m not writing this looking for advice, we’ll take the steps necessary to figure out what’s what.  I’m writing to say that in our situation “that” is never far.  Sadly, sometimes you don’t even get to have these moments of, “is it starting?”  Whether it be sudden sickness, an accident, or (as folks near us have experienced recently) a terrible tragedy, they are not burdened by “what if?”  They are thrown into a world of hurt/pain/anguish in the blink of an eye.

I’ve said it before (entitled this site after the phrase you know) but “We have today.”  That’s it.  That’s all.  So for all of you I hope and pray that you make the most of today.  It may include loving someone that God puts in your way.  It DOES include loving those who God has already blessed with in your family/friends/even yourself.  Maybe it entails reaching out to someone who didn’t get to wonder “what if” and are embroiled in “what now?”  Either way, do it/start it today because all we really have is today.

Mind you and again, I don’t want to alarm you.  Trey has been sleeping on and off as I write this.  He has eaten nothing but assures us that his stomach is fine.  He has been drinking orange juice.  In fact, he just burped really loud and in a weak voice declared, “Tummy alarm.”  We have never used that phrase and are still laughing.

So, for now I would just say you can pray.  Here is this weeks prayer guide for Trey courtesy of my sister Cathy Muscara’s blog “To My Audience of One.”

Trey Tuesday – April 15, 2014

Merry CHRISTmas!?

We have to celebrate Christmas if we are going to properly celebrate Easter – and vice versa! 🙂

Sounds confusing, yet God has it all under control!  🙂

Imagine the Good Friday shouts of, “Crucify Him!” (John 19:6) being yelled at baby Jesus’ birth….

Imagine the nail pierced hands healing the blind, raising the dead to life and changing the water into wine….

And imagine Jesus’ voice that calmed the storms and the seas then crying out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  (Mark 15:34)
Sounds confusing to us, yet God has it all under control!  🙂

Our hearts and minds jump to Trey and his family…living and loving their little baby boy, not knowing that one day he would have a dreadful diagnosis.

Sounds confusing to us, yet God has it all under control!  🙂

At the Last Supper, Jesus shared with His disciples (and with us!) powerful words which bring us much comfort when we are trying to make sense of what is going on in our world.  “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”  John 13:7  What a great Easter reminder!  🙂

Trey has some bloodwork and scans coming up.  Please pray for everything to go smoothly and cleanly!
Please also pray for peace and clear direction for Jay and Rachel as they continue to make decisions for Trey’s treatment plan.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,  and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”  Luke 2:10-14


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