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Welcome back to!  Up until now the website has consisted primarily of my blog.  That is why if you click on “Blog” it looks jut like the home page.  The other drop down menus are “listen” which includes some of my sermons and biography which, well, contains my biography.  Today marks a minor advance in the website.  My BLOG will continue to be updated 2x per week (typically Monday/Tuesday ish and Thursday/Friday ish).  HOWEVER there will be additional posts/information/links/comments on the HOME page throughout the week.  So, check back in each day and see what’s new!  For today I was torn between a post from my sister who posts a blog each week for Trey and running a super old post from my main man Brian Von Bloch’s old Xanga site.  So, I have to choose between meaningful and deep vs. random and retro.  Thus for today…and today only I shall post both!

From “To My Audience of One” by Cathy Muscara

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yesterday was a long day.
– waiting for the results of Trey’s CT scan
– wondering how one doctor’s words could have such an impact
– worrying about Jay and Rachel and Joe and Bella and Trey and all that could happen next.
Yes, yesterday was a very long day.
And I should know.  I welcomed the day at 12:00:01a.m. with an inability to fall asleep.  Plenty of opportunity to
worry/pray for Trey.  Sometime after 1:00a.m. I fell asleep.  5:15a.m. wake up time came very quickly!
What to do today?  Hmmm…I know….worry and pray some more!
But I know myself better than that, so into the Word I went!  🙂
My devotional yesterday focused on I Corinthians 16:13:
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”
You see, worry had no place and I could no longer give it time.
I needed to be courageous and strong….dot dot dot….like Trey!
Trey knowing full well what he was going to be going through yesterday, faced it like a soldier!
He trusted his parents, his doctors, his nurses.  He was courageous and he was strong because of where he placed his trust.
And, once again, the Young Warrior teaches me a lesson!  🙂
Please wholeheartedly praise the Lord with us this Trey Tuesday for God’s mercies in Trey’s stable CT scan!
And thank Him

From Thursday March 9, 2006

Currently Listening
By Matisyahu
see related

Not gonna lie… I’m feeling this Matisyahu studio album.

My dad has become a bit of a workout fiend.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in better shape than I am at the moment.  No joke.  Pretty sad for me, but mad props to him.

I think the last time I was in decent shape was back in 2003 by doing the whole protein thing and having some really good workouts.  I kinda let myself go again in 2004.  Pretty much just maintaining at the moment.

I’ve been thinking about Kelly Clarkson a lot lately.  Well, not a lot… but enough.  Mainly just the way “Since U Been Gone” really jumpstarted her career and gave her some credibility that was probably damaged by that movie she did with the runner-up from the first American Idol.  Also, her first album pretty much floundered, and her second album almost did as well.  It’s amazing to me that they’re still pulling singles from it.  Her second album, Breakaway, was released way back in November of 2004.  As far as I can remember, and this is without doing any real research, it came out with more of a whimper than a bang.  “Breakaway” was picked to be the first single, and nothing really happened.  Then “Since U Been Gone” hit and and was pretty much the best mainstream pop song of 2005, in my highly uninformed opinion.  Let’s be honest, it was everywhere.  “Breakaway” was re-released as a single and worked pretty well the second time around.  Now I believe they just made a 4th of 5th video from the album.

I dunno what my point is…  I guess I just appreciate Kelly Clarkson.  I think it’s okay to admit that.

Since it’s only March, how about my top 10 albums of 2005?  Not only do I like ’em all, I also legally own ’em all!  Yay for the RIAA!  Please don’t hurt me.  Seriously, I do own them all.

  1. Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
  2. The National – Alligator
  3. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Self-Titled
  4. Rogue Wave – Descended Like Vultures
  5. Wolf Parade – Apologies to the Queen Mary
  6. Stars – Set Yourself On Fire
  7. Sufjan Stevens – Illinois
  8. Sigur Ros – Takk
  9. My Morning Jacket – Z
  10. Idlewild – Warnings / Promises
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