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Due to the stomach flu I endured this week, my much anticipated post on prayer has been moved to next week.  Instead, again, I leave you with what is seeming to be a theme.  A Friday list posting!

1.  Rachel and Poppi (my dad) are going to tackle the water damage  hole (see picture above) in our entry way today!  (Insert joke here).  The water damage was from 4 years ago.  Many of you have entered our home and never noticed the hole.

2.  After the first go around with the water damage we fixed the flashing on the roof and subsequently the plaster inside.  The next winter I was sitting in the living room and heard one quiet horrific maniacal sound, “drip.”  Like knowing that there was a killer behind you I slowly and breathlessly turned around in utter fear and saw yet another drip fall from the same spot time and again.  Sheer terror!  That summer I fixed it again.  It’s been 2 1/2 years.  I think we are ok…I think so.

3.  We all know that the first person to complain about the heat this summer is going to get punched in the throat.  That’s a given.  However, the first person to say, “Wow, we went right from winter to summer.  We never got spring.” is getting ghetto foot stomped right in the gut.  I’m just saying.

4.  Tonight is the annual PTA Volleyball Extravaganza where the teachers from all of the schools in the district (and the Administration has a team, though not very popular it seems) come together for a great community event.  It’s a great evening that raises money for the PTA scholarship fund.  It’s a night where the kids come out and root for their teachers and a couple of the teachers, in turn, get so competitive that they act like children…good times.

5.  Whereas I once found Aldi plastic wrap to be useless I have since found it to be ideal for wrapping meat that has been spice rubbed.  It’s sheer inability to cling to itself makes it much more manageable.

6.  I refuse to buy anymore salt this winter…I just won’t do it.  I’ll shovel, but I’m not salting.

7.  If, “please” and “thank you” are the magic words according to Barney.  Should you then ask for something and say “abracadabra?”  I see a lot of rabbits staying in top hats if you wave your magic wand and say “please.”

8.  I use a two sets of socks and two sets of shoes system for the winter.  When my socks get sweaty I take one pair off and leave them in front of the register and put the dry ones on.  If I come in the house and my shoes are damp, I swap them off for the dry ones.  Oh, I could find some magical whisk sweat away socks but they would cost $20/pair and I would always be saying “please” and “thank you” (because they’re magical, see what I did there?) when putting them on and off.

9.  I find people’s after puke reintroduction to food/drink progression to be like snowflakes.  No two are alike and I don’t want any more of either.

10.  I told Trey that I loved him on our way home from school today.  He replied, “I love Joe and Bella.”

11.  Rachel just got back from Target with a $7 “clearance” ceramic owl piggy bank.  I, of course, asked, “it was $7 on clearance for….?”  Oh, that was the clearance price.  I kid, I kid.

12.  Trey ran up to Rachel asking what she had purchased at Target.  As he approached her he snagged her tape measurer, “I’ll take this…thank you!”  Sneaky swiper.  He very often does the same thing with her phone.

13.  Trey is not very good at helping to carry a 4′ x 8′ piece of dry wall.

14.  Poppi telling Rachel he will be over, “later…whenever” is not what she’s looking for.

15.  There is a fine line between nauseous and low blood sugar.  One you shouldn’t eat, the other you must.

16.  Every pregnant woman (or woman who has been pregnant) just wanted to punch me for being such a man.

17.  I’m glad I risked my life clearing the leaves on our back gutters (from the roof, I ladder can’t get there) this fall.  They got clogged again anyhow and made some really pretty icicles.

18.  So far, any “if I could go back in time and relive this moment” moment involves Rachel and Rachel only…not one with the kids.  Interesting.

19.  OCD is a terrible thing.

Thanks always for praying and being here with and for us.  No decisions yet on Trey’s treatment.  Maybe some thoughts on that next week.  Crap, I hope so.

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