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  1. Spring snow is futile and only short lived.
  2. A lot of maladies in life are that way too.
  3. Given that, they are still pains.
  4. I would love a giant cast iron skillet/pan.
  5. Before someone dies you have the good and the bad from them.
  6. After they die you still have the bad but now you don’t have and miss the good.
  7. I spent one winter in Florida…it was nice.
  8. I was beating myself up for being at a community college when I realized it was 70 degrees in January.
  9. I golfed a lot.
  10. I don’t golf a lot now.
  11. Rachel and I talked about having to get the kids ready for playing in the snow.
  12. Albeit a sweet memory, we don’t miss duct taping their pants to their boots and gloves coming off.
  13. Life does go fast though.
  14. Over the last few months I would shave my dad with my electric razor.
  15. I would now like to shave without remembering my dad in those days.
  16. Yes, I cared for him and was a good son but he was not at his best.
  17. A tree fell just behind our backyard last night.
  18. It fell backward, had it fallen forward it would have snapped every wire leading to our house.
  19. Why do you suppose that Dr. Phil wears SO much makeup?
  20. Joe and Bella are doing fine in the post Poppi era…I think.
  21. It’s hard to deal with something that makes sense (Dad dying) following something that doesn’t (Trey).
  22. I really enjoy my guys volleyball team this year…good guys.
  23. It’s a real blessing to be in the lives of young men growing and maturing.
  24. What would the world look like if we just kept trying to meet others needs?
  25. It helps me a ton to be there for others.
  26. Money is nice too…just saying.
  27. My brother has a great line about winning the lottery.
  28. He says, “That would bring a ton of problems.  I’d like to try those problems though, I’m tired of mine.”
  29. I haven’t skied in a very long time.
  30. I bet it would hurt more if…if I fell.
  31. I have started playing volleyball again.
  32. I had stopped for years because my shoulders were too weak/hurt.
  33. Turns out doing my physical therapy exercises does in fact strengthen my muscles.
  34. To that end I was quite sure I’d rip a muscle in my legs.
  35. I say that because I remember my coach, Mr. Brown, doing that when I was in high school.
  36. He’s in better shape than me now.
  37. I would like to go back to Indiana University in Bloomington, my alma mater.
  38. I have had dreams about both my dad and Trey.
  39. In those dreams they are already dead but alive in the dream.
  40. Adam Carolla always talks about having grit.
  41. I wish I had more grit.
  42. I have realized that I have a TON of grit when things happen to me.
  43. I’d like more in regards to things that I would like to improve upon in my life.
  44. Kennywood will be open again soon.
  45. Joe is at the age where we can let him go around by himself with a friend or two…scary.
  46. Then again, he can get his drivers permit in two years…yeah, scary.
  47. Life is fast.  Then again, a year is 1/45th of my life now.  That’s not too much.
  48. I apologize to those of you who read my statements about helping others and wonder why I haven’t helped you…
  49. I really like our “coffee shop” ish room that we have our 9am service in.  It isn’t even done yet.
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