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Last week I posted about the “Earthquake of Pain.”  In that post I spoke of the various levels of pain we experience with respect to the proximity of the “epicenter”.  I am continuing that discussion today, and to some degree or another, in the next few posts.

I wish I could post this some other way.  I have spent several hours over several days trying to find the best way to communicate today’s “survival message.”  I’m not sure I’ve found the best way, perhaps I’ve just found “a” way.

Very often through my earthquake of cancer with Trey and all of Team Mitlo, people would talk to me about several cliche’s,  “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  “It’s ok to be angry with God.”  Many many others like that would be (and are) asked of me from time to time.  The very subtle  problem with each of those and many others is that it presupposes (plus two points for me) an adversarial relationship with God.  Even in the gentlest of ways it connotes Him on one side, me or we on the other.

Thank about it.  Why did YOU give MY child cancer Lord?  Why did MY kid have to get sick?  Why have YOU caused this for MY family to have to go through?  Why didn’t You heal him?

These are all understandable and actually place God (almost) in the correct perspective.  On the pro side, it places Him as all powerful.  It certainly points to Him being able to control everything.  It goes so far to say that He “causes” everything.  However, it misses the mark in that it leaves Him cold and on the other “side” from us.  When this is done, something tragic happens.  You miss out on the comfort that comes from Him.  It also allows for other improper perspectives and beliefs to creep in.  You are left alone…again.

Rather than sitting high up on a chair in some distantly heavenly realm watching our every move, God is with us through His Holy Spirit.  He grieves WITH us, FOR us, and sends others TO us.  Stop, pray, ask the Lord as the earthquake rumbles and the after shocks reverberate, “Lord, How do you feel for me right now?”  Then listen, listen for His still small voice.  It won’t be silent.  Jesus wept WITH Mary and Martha.  He will speak to you and offer you similar condolences…love.

When you combine His love and comfort for you with the comfort, love, encouragement and support from others you are now best equipped to survive your earthquake of pain.  You can share your experiences with the Lord with those He has placed in your life.  That will, in turn, bless and help those around you in dealing with their pain.  The final product is more healing, more love, more beauty in the time of tragedy.

We have experienced this during our “earthquake” and continue to seek Him and His comfort.  To not know that He was there not only for but WITH us would be so lonely and much more difficult.

He does care, He is with you, He will comfort you, He has sent others to be with you, He will use you to bless others.  Thank you all who have been there for and with us, either knowingly or not aware at all, that the Lord is using you to help us through.

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