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Just a quick one today.  I am in the process of compiling a book on my/our posts about Trey from over the years since his diagnosis.  I came across this one today.  I thought it was a great testimony to how God cares for us all, especially when we are in trying times…

Jay Mitlo
February 22, 2011 at 7:00pm

Long time no update…sorry. Anyhow, medically speaking, things are looking good. The results of his last scan showed regression in the hip area specifically and was encouraging overall. His numbers are mostly good although he will need platelets tomorrow. The doctor says his numbers will still bottom out, we’ll see. Vomitously speaking he probably averages two every three days. We are convinced of two things. One, keep giving him the simple anti nausea medicine (Zofran) which we have been giving him sporadically since having a couple of vomit free days. Two, he does not get to eat oranges or drink orange juice until he’s twenty. Behaviorally speaking he has been crankier the last few days in increasing fashion, perhaps with the dropping of his numbers.?.? He did not sleep very well last night but it was not catastrophic. The rest of us are ok. God continues to impress upon us the need for us to take one day, one hour, one moment at a time. It is not about “why did this happen?” or even, “what should we be learning” but much much more “He is far above this and anything else that could ever happen to us. He is real, He is close, and He cares for us more than we could ever imagine.”


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