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New year, new list.

  1.   If you need your leaves, they’re in my lawn.
  2.   There isn’t a flat floor in my house.
  3.   The basement is the worst, there might even be a right angle at some point.
  4.   I made some bad breakfast sausage two days ago (marinated it but it ended up wet and soft).
  5.   I made some great breakfast sausage yesterday (now to be creative with the bad texture sausage).
  6.   When the wind blows, every tree in my backyard sounds like it’s going to break.
  7.   That would be ok…away from the house.
  8.   I still watch way too many cooking shows.
  9.   I love how amazingly different, I mean really different, people in my world are.
  10.   Nurses are really underappreciated.
  11.   EMT’s are by far the most underpaid occupation…bar none.
  12.   I don’t give enough thanks for the intrinsic value of my jobs/activities.
  13.   My dad has been sick/very sick since October.
  14.   My heart goes out to those who have had loved ones who are sick for years.
  15.   Nursing homes are way too hot.  I get it, the elderly are often cold…still, too hot.
  16.   I came across this post the other day…took me back.
  17.   I haven’t been to a concert in a really long time.
  18.   I think that the “Circus Spectacular” episode of Chopped was by far the hardest.
  19.   I told you I watch too many cooking shows.
  20.   I genuinely get excited for church each Sunday.
  21.   It makes me sad that many people do not.
  22.   It makes me really sad for the number of Pastors who do not.
  23.   I’m amazed at how diverse our congregation is, in many ways.
  24.   If you would like to send Rachel and me to the Caribbean for a vacation, we’re available.
  25.   My hair in the morning (now that the sides are shaved but the top is long) is riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiculous.
  26.   I wonder if we’ll get the crazy cold/snowy weather they say we’ll get this year.
  27.   My kids are growing up fast.
  28.   Everyone said that they would and I always believed them…it’s just real fast.
  29.   I’ve wanted to say something to my dad about seeing Trey sooner than later…but I haven’t.
  30.   That makes me tear up for different reasons.
  31.   As bad as my dad has been, he never really mentions or displays any signs of pain.
  32.   Reminds of a certain young boy with cancer.
  33.   Weird.
  34.   I’m a huge fan of apple cider vinegar (w/cinnamon) shots 2x/day for digestion and detox.
  35.   I’m a huge fan of watching Rachel do a shot of apple cider vinegar…HILARIOUS!
  36.   I’m starting a relationship workshop/class/seminar this month.  I’m very excited.
  37.   It’s sad that there will be many fights between couples where one wants to go and the other doesn’t.
  38.   In a way, my efforts to help marriages/relationships may strain them.
  39.   There’s something deeper or more analogous to that but I can’t find it.
  40.   Every once in awhile…but not too often, the crunch and zing of a chicken wing is perfect.
  41.   I don’t care how many cooking shows you watch or how much you cook, the term “mouth feel” is gross.
  42.   My mother used to say that if we were rich she’d want a chauffeur before a maid, chef, or assistant.
  43.   She was on to something there.
  44.   I still haven’t really tried Thai food.  Do I have to be a fan of coconut milk?
  45.   The power went out and I lost a bunch of these…those ones were awesome.
  46.   I really enjoy not making the kids super bundle up anymore…being cold?  That’s on them.
  47.   We used to duct tape (well, Gorilla tape) their pants to their boots when they played in the snow!
  48.   I haven’t eaten bread/pasta/or pizza in 6 months.  Still alive.
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