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The Penn Hills community is in a state of chaos. The report came out and detailed the financial situation that the school district is in. There were recommendations and a scathing analysis. What was not there was any legal actions for those responsible. This has added to the fire of the people of Penn Hills. Perhaps worst of all, there is seemingly no hope. There is an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.

Officials have made statements. Articles have been written. People are talking. Many residents, staff, parents, and students are asking questions. The news has covered it and social media is filled with posts, comments, and replies. In a word, it is chaos.

Chaos. Life has turned upside down. It’s not just our current circumstances. It happens to all of us during our lives in different ways. Sickness, death, finances, betrayal, depression, hopelessness surrounds you. What do you do? Sadly, the list is many and most of the choices are not what’s best. We lash out, we cave in, we protest, we quit, we micromanage, we blame others, we justify, we rationalize, we blame ourselves, we don’t know what to do.

There is only one category of things that should be done. Everything else won’t help you. It may seem overly simple but it is, in fact, all you can do. In times of chaos…do what you can. Nothing more, nothing less will do.

What’s going to happen to Penn Hills school district? What will happen to our teachers, students, programs, athletics? What will happen to our taxes? What will our home values be after all of this? All great questions.

Again, the answer is this. Do what you can. Focus on the supporting the students. Focus on supporting the staff. Send a letter of encouragement to the PRESENT leadership of the district. Go to a sporting event and buy something at the concession stand. Adopt a classroom and offer to buy supplies. Sign up to be a volunteer at the elementary school and read to the kids. A couple of school board members just last night asked me to pray. You could at least do that. Whatever it is to help, DO WHAT YOU CAN!!!

“Why should I?” you say. Because it is something in the positive direction. It is something that can help someone or something right now. You will feel better after it and so will the people you help. To be negative just brings more negativity. Really, what does that solve?

Be very aware, a lot of what you are feeling about the district is fueled by other hurts in your life. You have done nothing wrong but wrong has come upon you. You were (and are) powerless in regards to the overall situation. Yet, you suffer the consequence. The hurt from those situations compounds your hurt from this (and future) times.

Granted, the only way to really heal is to have comfort attached to the hurts of your past. I write in this blog (and podcast at about that a lot. However, in the meantime, do what you can. Bring some positivity to the situation. There are great teachers, amazing kids, and adults doing the right things in this district and community.

What will happen? I have no idea. Faith plays a huge part in this. Not even faith in the current leadership (which I have) but faith that God is more than aware of what is going on and will be there no matter what happens. That can (and should) free us up to listen to Him and do what we can to help during these times.

**NOTE: The FBI cyber awareness meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday March 5th in the elementary school cafeteria.**

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